This document was originally produced by Geoffrey Binns and it was never fully published in his lifetime. If his heirs object to this conversion to a web page can they please let me know and I will withdraw it. Some minor changes have been made (generally in layout and in conversion to a web page) but the content remains substantially the same. Some references and images cannot be retrieved at the moment but extra ones have been added to illustrate the text. The maps themselves have promoted controversy, even the name of them differs between different users. Lancashire Archives calls them the "Strip Maps" but, quite often, they are just referred to as the "Kuerden Maps".
Preston and the Northwest: 300 years ago:
Survey of roads, towns and people
Geoffrey Binns
Chapter 2
2c. Preston - people by street
Chapter 3 - Introduction to routes.
Since this article was written several more maps have been discovered at Townley Hall. These can be seen at
Some of the original maps can also be seen at