The Will of Thomas Herdman - Yeoman

By Kenneth Morley

The Will was proved on 5th January, 1828 and Probate granted. The Will was made on 7th March, 1827.

Thomas Herdman must have died between 7th March, 1827 and 1828, but there is no record of his burial at Pilling.

Extracts from will

---- my Estate known as FRANCIS BOND (Bonds Farm ?) situate and being in Pilling, consisting of a dwelling house and about 16 acres (This would be the customary measure, so about 26 acres statute, as we know) with the appurtenances and my interest therein both freehold and leasehold unto Wm. Corless yeoman and my son JOHN HERDMAN, upon the Trust of the following that is to say 

IN TRUST to demise or let my said Estate to any person or persons for the BEST yearly rent or rents that can be reasonably obtained towards the decent clothing, support and maintainance of my GRANDSON, Gawin Herdman, son of my said son JOHN Herdman, during his life.

(My Notes:- Gawin Herdman was born 1st December, 1808 to Jennet, wife of John Herdman).

Other grandsons mentioned were Richard and Thomas Herdman, sons of John (and therefore brothers or half brothers of Gawin).

----After the decease of GAWIN HERDMAN then in Trust for the above Richard and Thomas as tenants in common and not as joint tenants they paying thereout unto my said son THOMAS HERDMAN £2. yearly during his life.
To my daughter MARGARET HERDMAN (she must not have married) the estate whereon I now live and commonly called MITCHELLS, consisting of a house and about 7 acres of land (about eleven and one quarter acres as we know it) etc. etc. for her natural life after her decease to the use of my GRANDAUGHTERS Martha Herdman and Margaret Morley (the daughters of my said son JOHN) and their heirs etc. etc. any disposed assets to be equally divided between my grandchildren, Rd. Herdman, Thomas Herdman, Martha Herdman and Margaret Morley.

Lancashire Records Office
Ref:- R148A - 37