Much of he day was spent cleaning up the walls that we revealed last autumn by clearing away the destruction debris and the floors and surfaces that we exposed yesterday. They are now ready for recording before we cut through them looking for earlier features and dating evidence.

The section nearest the wheel pit was cleared as far as was possible. The limit being the base of a cheese press and a large stone (part of a hurst frame) associated with supporting the main cog-wheel of the mill. A similar one can be seen to the left of the gentleman in the photograph of Freckleton water mill. Thanks to Ted Lightbown and the Blackpool & Fylde Historical Society for permission to reproduce this image.

The weight of the support precludes any movement. This is unfortunate since it covers, what appears to to be, the main mechanical portion of the site. The cleared area is shown below.

We also did more work excavating a trench outside what, to date, has been regarded as the northern wall (because it has always struck us as being a bit flimsy for an external wall). What we found has come as something of a surprise. We found a ditch! There's more work to do on it because we haven't yet found its southern edge, but as that seems to be below other features, we will have to wait until those are recorded. Photos to follow tomorrow.